Get a FREE Listing

Are you a contractor or service provider based in Vermont? Get your FREE listing on Home in 802!

Free? Yep. Listings are free and always will be. This site is about community and earns revenue from advertising and sponsorship instead of you - I'm sure to go bankrupt on this model but... You can buy advertising if you wish but the listing is 100% free!

General Contractors please note you can list the different types of projects you'll do if they aren't listed below.

Your listing must be related to building, fixing, remodeling, renovating or designing residential buildings and outbuildings OR provide services to homeowners in support of daily living and home ownership.

Select A Category


General Contractor / Business = more than one person and may hire tradesmen & craftsmen
Tradesmen, Craftsman, Specialist = single person licensed or highly experienced in one or more trades
Handyman / Handywoman = single person with skills and good with small projects
Service Provider = provides goods services for daily care of home and property

Listing Details

Choose the counties you work in. You can list the exact towns you work in in your description. This is used for searching so even if you only work in one town within a county, choose the county!

Description & Services

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This is highly recommended. It appears to the right of the description in your listing. Can be representative of your work or a headshot. 10MB max file size.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This is highly recommended. It appears to the right of the description in your listing. Can be representative of your work or a headshot. 10MB max file size.